Meine Notizen
Das Versprechen eines GrĂŒndungsberaters, der den Doula-Hut auf hat:
- âNo grades, no check marks, no badges. Iâm not in charge of you, and Iâm not manipulating you. Iâm simply establishing the conditions for you đź get to where you said you wanted to go. You tell me where youâre going and what you need. You make promises about your commitment and skills development. Iâll show up to illuminate, question, answer, spar with, and challenge you. Iâll work tirelessly to make sure […].â (S. 20)
- Das ist sehr schön formuliert!
Die Wertschöpfung eines Edupreneurs
- âTools can create efficiency, but value can only come from change, from humanity, and from the rare form of connection that comes with significance. Itâs the emotional labor of showing up because we care.â (S. 21)
Seeing with fresh eyes
- âSo we begin with the seeing. What have we been trained to believe about the one hundred thousand hours we will spend at work that isnât helpful? What do we assume about other people and their dreams and fears that simply isnât true?â (S. 24)
The generous audacity of significance
- âWe live in fear. Ancient fears. The fear of isolation, rejection, and physical peril. We evolved and survived because of this fear, not in spite of it. The village offers safety; challenging the chief is a risk. The unknown, just outside the light of the fire, is to be avoided.â (S. 64)
- âThe irony of our modern world is that the ancient fears remain, and they work against us. Individualists saw our weakness and maximized it. The fears will sabotage our work, undermining what we say we want. They get in the way of being fully human.â (S. 65)
- âFear of the marketâ ist eine weitere Form von Resistance.
- âSooner or later we blink. We stare at the opportunity and freeze in response. Partly because weâve been indoctrinated by schools and by managers to wait for the instructions and the deadline. And partly because the ancient fears are powerful and persistent.â (S. 65)
- The fear is real!
- âThe leader understands that commitment to significance is a generous act, but it also brings apparent risk and real fear to everyone involved. Fear thatâs wily and subtle, clever and persistent.â (s. 66)
- â[…] our actual work is to dance with the fear. And dancing with fear requires significance, tension, and the belief that weâre doing something that matters.â (S. 66)
If all a car wash does is wash your carâŠ
- âIf all a car wash does is wash your car, youâll pick the closest, cheapest, easiest one. Thatâs a race to the bottom.â (S. 68)
- Wenn es in der GrĂŒndungsberatung nur darum geht, die GrĂŒndungsschritte zu erklĂ€ren, dann gehen alle zur WKO-Gratisberatung. Itâs a race to the bottom.
The Song of Safety
- âThe song of safety comes first. Itâs not a compromise; itâs a foundation for the rest of it. Before we can trust, iterate or innovate, we need to know that weâre going to be okay, regardless.â (S. 68)
- Urvertrauen, Gottvertrauen. Alles wird gut.
- âAnd then we can raise the bar and grow. Love and significance go together.â (S. 69)
- Die Kunden âliebenâ, weil sie Menschen sind.
- âService is a way of being in the world.â (Ari Weinzweig, S. 69)
- ???? â[…] when the song of safety is hard to hear, it can be challenging to move forward.â (S. 71)
- Seth Godin sagt in einem anderen Kontext auch: âItâs not as risky as it seems, but itâs difficult.â
- âWhen confronting the possibility of change, tension arises. Tension is the feeling of wanting to be in two places at once. Often thatâs the place of safety, where we know everything will be as it was, versus the place of significance […].â (S. 80)
- âTension is not something to avoid. […] you cannot create significance without encountering tension.â (S. 80)
- Tension is not the same as stress: âWhen weâre stressed, our brains undermine our well-being and weâre unlikely to find flow, joy, or significance. But tension? Tension is the feeling that leads to forward motion. Tension is a symptom of Pressfieldâs Resistance.â (S. 99)
- â[…] tension always accompanies change, and change is the hallmark of significance. Tension is good. Itâs a sign weâre onto something.â (S. 100)
Feedback is a gift
- â[…] we hesitate […] to seek out more feedback. Feedback feels like criticism, and criticism feels fatal. The thing is, feedback is a gift. Feedback transformed into generous and useful criticism is priceless.â (S. 103)
A coach vs. being coached
- âWe donât need a coach as much as we need to want to be coached.â (S. 121)
- Wozu will ich einen Coach, wenn ich zuerst das Zutrauen brauche, dass ein Coach mir mehr bringt, als er kostet?! â Bin ich derzeit ĂŒberhaupt coachable?
Withhold definition
- âNaming something is useful when weâre right, but itâs a challenge when weâre wrong. Because the act of putting something into the wrong box will prevent us from understanding what it really is.â (S. 174)
- Konzepte / Mental Models / Visuelle Modelle sind nĂŒtzlich, keine Frage. Aber wenn wir zu schnell sind beim âEinordnenâ (vor allem bei Dingen, die wir noch gar nicht richtig verstanden haben), dann landen wir im falschen Ladl, und das Konzept erklĂ€rt in Wirklichkeit gar nichts. Und hilft auch niemandem weiter.
- vgl. Michael Bungay Stanier: The Coaching Habit: Ein bisschen lÀnger neugierig sein.
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