Chris Ducker: Rise Of The Youpreneur (2018) 📙



S. 4: „Business is about relationships”

  • Und: Relationships sind krisenfest!
  • „People want to do business with other people.” Das sagt Chris Ducker in seinem Buch immer wieder.

Part 1: Building

S. 13: It’s All About Trust

  • „Trust is the single most important factor when it comes to business, period. If people don’t trust you, they’re not going to do business with you. It’s really that simple.” (S. 13)

S. 14: Honesty

  • „You want to be as honest as possible with everything.” (S. 14)
  • „And yet, dishonesty is still one of the most crippling factors in business today.” (S. 15)
  • „Honesty should be at the very core of what you are all about. You must be truthful and represent yourself and your business to the people you want to serve in a manner that shows them admiration and respect.” (S. 15)

S. 16: better vs. different

  • „You shouldn’t just be looking to do something better than your competitors. You should be looking to do something different.” 
  • So entstehen Monopole!

S. 18: Being original = being you all the time

  • „Remeber, remaining original all comes down to just being you all the time.“
  • Es geht nicht um den fancy Hut oder das Holzmascherl!

S. 29: Sales

  • „You can’t sell to someone you don’t know.“
  • „Sales comes down to knowing your customer.“
  • Das muss ich nicht alles alleine stemmen! DafĂŒr kann ich mir auch Experten holen – so wie alle Profis!

S. 35: How to help them

  • What is holding your customer back from a solution?
  • Es ist meistens nicht so, dass die Kunden nicht wĂŒssten, was zu tun ist. Aber: Was hindert sie daran, diese Lösung tatsĂ€chlich auch umzusetzen? Warum tun sie nichts in diese Richtung?

S. 41: First impression

  • „If they can’t figure out who you are, what you do, and why they should spend more time with you, you’re going to lose them forever. The fact is, you never get a second chance to make a great first impression.
  • Das gilt auch fĂŒr meine Website.

S. 46: highly valuable content

  • „All great online homes start with highly valuable blog content [
]. And all great blog content begins with a great title.“

S. 48: Consistency

  • „Consistency is the single most important thing here. It’s even more important to be consistent than it is to be concerned with volume.“
  • Oder mit QualitĂ€t und Tiefgang – siehe Thomas Mangold, den Helden der Consistency.
  • „[Be] consistent not only with the volume and style of the social content you create, but with the look and feel of it as well [
].” (S. 72)
  • „No matter what the platform or content, always stay on brand [
]. Post by post, tweet by tweet, video by video, you’re building an audience. Your own very special little tribe wants to know what you’re up to.” (S. 75)

S. 54: Sharing!

  • „However, it’s not just having people consume your content; you want them to share your content, too!“
  • Sharing is caring – das gilt auch fĂŒr mich, meinem eigenen Content gegenĂŒber! Wenn er mir wirklich wichtig ist (und nicht nur eine intellektuelle Übung), dann brauche ich auch (m)eine Verbreitungsstrategie!

S. 83: Ein SchlĂŒssel, um Social Media zu „knacken”: „Showing up consistently, credibly, and helpfully in social media” 

  • Auch Social Media ist ein Kanal, ĂŒber den ich helfen kann. Auch Social Media kann eine great teaching opportunity sein!
  • Dieser Zugang wĂ€re doch was fĂŒr mich, oder?
  • Ich könnte z.B. der GrĂŒnder-Kummeronkel sein und als Kommunikationskanal irgendeine Social Media Plattform nutzen – als mein Werkzeug, nicht als Selbstzweck!
  • Eine Plattform, um mich um Rat zu fragen: Nicht weniger, aber auch nicht mehr. Derek Sivers nĂŒtzt dafĂŒr halt e-Mail.

S. 83: Infoproducts

  • „Infoproducts have not only made her money on their own but have also lead to coaching opportunities and speaking engagements.“
  • Infoprodukte = meine Produkte?
  • Infoprodukte = die Produkte der Edupreneure?
  • Was weiß ich ĂŒber das „Wesen” von Info-Produkten?

Part 2: Marketing

S. 88: The richest type of media

  • „I find blog posts, checklists, case studies, and such are, without a doubt, the richest type of media you can share.“
  • Plus: Infografiken!

S. 97: Care about people

  • „Caring is at the very center of what customer service is all about and what you need to do above and beyond everything else. You’ve got to care about people. It’s that simple.“

S. 111: Today’s information marketing world

  • Das ist es! Wir leben nicht (nur) in einer Wissensgesellschaft, wir leben in einer Wissens-Vermittlungs (= Marketing)-Gesellschaft!

S. 111: 4 Experten-Marketing-Tools:

  1. Speaking
  2. Coaching
  3. Being Featured in Traditional Press Outlets
  4. Being a Guest on Podcasts

S. 112ff: Speaker

  • „If you do want to be taken seriously as a potential speaker, and to be booked by both small and large events, you must get your speaker page set up on your website. Event organizers love to see what you’ve got to offer to their audience. Show them!” (S. 112)
  • „You being on their stage, in front of their people, puts them at risk. If you perform well and the crowd loves you, the organizer looks like a hero, but if you tank on stage, it’s the organizer who gets the blame.” (S. 112)
  • Man braucht „high quality photos of you from various speking gigs”. (S. 112)
  • „But, even if you haven’t actually started your speaking career yet, you still need to have a speaking page on your website.” (S. 112)
  • „They hire a photographer to shoot photos of them in various positions as if they were talking to an audience. They are either holding a microphone or the’ve been mic’d up in some way to make it look like they’re speking. It’s not being sneaky or anything, it’s just showing people that you are in a position to provide expert advice, and you want to do it from their stage.” (S. 113)
  • „If you don’t have a lot of video from stage available, record a short video of yourself talking directly to the camera. Look those event organizers in the eye and tell them exactly what they can expect from you as a speaker. They’re your audience, so take care that they fall in love with you!” (S. 114)
  • Seine speaking page:
    • „Your speaking page is written specifically to event organizers and decision makers.” (S. 115)
    • „Come up with two or three keynote session titles that you can speak on. Those titles, with some quick description as to what those sessions actually include, are a necessity for your expert speaking page.” (S. 115)
    • „Never stop collecting testimonials from event promoters and organizers.” (S. 114)
    • „As you start getting booked, it is also good to show a list of your upcoming speaking engagements because this will offer social proof tht you are in demand. Please don’t forget to include a way for prospective clients to contact you directly on this page.” (S. 116)
    • „If you don’t have some of the materials I have talked about, don’t fret. Collect them as you go, and continue adding them to your speaking page.” (S. 116)
  • Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen keynote speaker und workshop-style speaker.
    • „Chances are you’ll probably begin speaking as a workshop speaker. I did. You can always morph into a keynote speaker as time goes by, just as I have myself.” (S. 114)

S. 120ff: In Podcasts interviewt werden

  • „Getting recognized as an expert means being interviewed by other influencers on their podcasts.” (S. 130)
  • „Be a fan first. You wouldn’t believe how many pitches podcast hosts get from people who don’t even listen to their podcast.” (S. 120)
  • „Don’t ever consider pitching a podcast that you haven’t heard at least a handful of episodes of yourself! Good hosts work hard to create valuable content for their specific audience, and you really have no business being on a show if you aren’t part of that audience.” (S. 121)
  • „Focus in on making your appearance on their podcast a no-brainer. […] Personalize your email to show how your message will add value to the host’s show and how it will impact their audience.” (S. 122)
  • „You then have to include an invitation for the host to check out a piece of content that you’ve already created. This is the biggie. You could send them to a blog post, a video, a podcast, or maybe even an infographic. Whatever it is, make it something that could ultimately lend itself to a really interesting discussion with their audience.” (S. 122f)
  • Gibt den Hörern nur „one website. One call to action”! (S. 123)
  • „Follow up with the show host. […] Promise to promote the show on your platform when it comes out.” (S. 124)

S. 125f: Jeff Goins, Writer

  • „The first thing Jeff did was write every day without fail for an entire year. […] Jeff wasn’t doing it for the exposure. Jeff was doing it for the practice.“
  • „Jeff attends a number of events around the world each year that feature him as a keynote speaker, but he also leads webinars almost on a weekly basis.“
    • Pick yourself!
  • „Jeff says that building online courses based on his audience’s needs and desires has been the most profitable part of his business.“

S. 131: Chris Ducker schreibt Postkarten

  • „I have plain white postcards printed with my Chris Ducker logo centered at the top. That’s it. There is nothing else on either side. […] I quite regularly send these postcards to people, and you should too. […] People remember this kind of stuff. Following up doesn’t always have to be via a tweet or via an email; as a matter of fact, it sometimes shouldn’t be. That personal touch can mean a lot in developing the relationship.“

S. 132: @ Lifestyle Entrepreneure, Solopreneure

  • „We live in a very fragmented world, and particularly when building an online business, it’s actually quite lonely sometimes.“

S. 143ff: Die e-Mail-Liste

  • „Growing your email list has got to be a constant and central activity when expanding your online business. If it’s not, you’re ultimately going to fail.“
  • „The money is in the list.“
  • „As a business owner, you are a marketer, and you should always be marketing.“
  • GILDE braucht sicher eine Liste, SILBE eher nicht?!

Part 3: Monetizing

S. 158f: Um herauszufinden, was man verkaufen kann: Alles aufschreiben!

  • „Make notes of exactly what people say to you.“
  • „That takes away the guessing game and allows you to go straight to higher-value content creation. That’s the secret of figuring out what to sell. So, make a note of every idea that comes your way.“

S. 159: People want to be heard.

  • „People want to be heard. If they’re following you, it’s because they think you can bring value their way.“
  • „Don’t be shy. Talk to your audience.” (S. 168)

S. 174: Tipps zum Youpreneur Ecosystem:

  • „Your ecosystem must be based on your strengths and your audience’s needs and wants.“
  • „The ideal plan is to have several flows of income as a Youpreneur, and each one of those should be designed to help people by offering your expertise in a deep, value-oriented way.“

S. 175ff: „Figure out how you want to monetize your expertise.“

  • „Putting a dollar sign […] on your knowledge and expertise moves you out of the freebie influencer sphere and into the realm of expert.”
  • „I’m going to charge for this one.”
  • „Understand that people nowadays are more likely to pay for access to you, your experience, and your wisdom than ever before.” (S. 176)
  • „Getting them to give you money is the difference between having a successful blog or podcast and having a successful business that utilizes blogging and podcasting.” (S. 179)
  • „Clearly there are a lot of different ways you can monetize your influcence, but you have to start somewhere. Don’t get hung up on trying to do everything, and remember that what someone else does may not be right for your audience.” (S. 190)
  • Andererseits sagt er: „As a Youpreneur, you want to keep a keen eye on what they [i.e. die Mitbewerber] are doing. You’ve got to look at what they are offering, how they’re offering it, and what they are charging for access to those products or services. Obviously, you don’t want ot start copying them, but look at what’s working for others so that you can develop your own ideas. You don’t have to be the originator all the time.“
    • Motto: Was fĂŒr andere funktioniert, könnte auch fĂŒr mich funktionieren!
    • „So look for people trying to attract the same audience that you are. Watch and see what they are doing. Follow their lead as to what to offer, how to offer it, and how much to charge.“

S. 188: Tipps fĂŒr Live Events

  • „Don’t go too big too early, but work your way up. It’s worth the effort.“
  • „I’ll never stop doing live events because people will pay to learn from the best – especially in  a live setting.“

S. 199: Nicht zu billig anfangen!

  • „You can start high and decrease it from there, if things don’t work out. However, it’s so much harder to start low and increase incrementally over time.“

S. 204, S. 222f: Videos, free how-to-content

  • Hat bei mir eine tiefes Aha-Erlebnis ausgelöst
  • Ein sehr hilfreicher Blickwinkel, um das Offensichtliche zu sehen!

S. 229: Online-Werbung kann auch fĂŒr mich gut sein!

  • „People often think that advertising online is going to be very expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. […] Online advertising can be effective and reasonably priced. It’s not something you should shy away from.“

S. 238: Coaching

  • „Amy [Schmittauer]’s most profitable activity in her business is coaching. People just want your time and expertise. If you offer it and you’re good at what you do, you can charge a premium for it.“

S. 242: Make making contact easy

  • Such dir die Art und Weise aus, wie du am liebsten kontaktiert werden wĂŒrdest (z.B. e-Mail, wie Derek Sivers).
  • Dann trommle diesen einen Weg immer und immer und immer wieder – wie Derek Sivers.

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