Ed Zschau: The Polymath Professor Who Changed My Life 🎙



The Tim Ferriss Show #380, 1. August 2018

Meine Notizen

„You don’t get a quick return creating value for the world. You get a quick return doing something that doesn’t matter. But if you’re going to make a difference in the society, changing the world for the better, you better be prepared for a long journey.”

Er ist ein Verfechter der „Case Method”:

  • Er weiß nicht genau, wie die Diskussion laufen wird.
  • Aber er ist sich sicher, dass er die Punkte, die er rĂŒber bringen will, rĂŒber bringen wird — und zwar mit den Worten, die die Studenten fĂŒr sich wĂ€hlen.
  • „Learning by doing” mit „projects that are real”.
  • Gibt den Studenten die Sicherheit: Hey, was die können, das kann ich auch. Die sind auch nicht smarter als ich.

„Entrepreneurship isn’t about starting companies. Entrepreneurship is an approach to life. And you can be an entrepreneur in anything. It’s about starting something from scratch. It’s about making good things happen that hadn’t been done before.”

„Implementation is the most important. A lot of people say: Wouldn’t it be neat if we could do this? And that’s as far as it goes. But entrepreneurs say: Wouldn’t it be neat if we could do this? And then they do it.”

Tim Ferriss sagt: Man kann Case Studies, wie sie z.B. in der Harvard Business School verwendet werden, online finden und kaufen. Er empfiehlt das.

Career Planning ist aus seiner Sicht „overrated”. Weil: „Opportunities unexpectedly happen. And many people say: Gee, that’s an interesting opportunity. But it only matters in life if you seize the moment. If you take advantage of that opportunity and commit yourself to doing something that you’ve never done before. I find that I learned the most the fastest when I don’t know what I’m doing.”

TF: How did you become good at teaching? How did you learn to teach?

„I think I became a better teacher by not being smart. Here’s what I mean by it: People who are really super smart
 learning comes too easy. I believe you can be a better teacher when it’s more difficult for you to learn so you can explain to somebody else how to master some lesson.“

đŸ”„ â€žI believe that the best way to help people find their way, nurture them, is through encouragement rather than direction.“

Er liest fast nur Biografien, weil: „It‘s the stories! The stories that are inspirational.“

–> vgl. case method

„Don‘t buy the books because they have lessons in them. Buy the books because they have stories in them.“

TF: „It‘s the stories that stick.“

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