Bryan Adams erzählt folgende Geschichte über den Beginn seiner Zusammenarbeit mit dem legendären Produzenten Mutt Lange:
Way back, just before I made the album „Waking Up The Neighbours“, I had written a whole album of songs. I started working with Mutt and I played Mutt the songs, thinking that Mutt was going to produce them.
And Mutt looked at me and said, „Well, you know… That’s nice.“
I said, „What do you mean?“
He goes: „Yeah, I think… I think you can do better.“
I say, „Okay… What do you want to do?“
„Start again.“So we scrapped the entire record and took pieces of it and re-wrote the songs and made „Waking Up The Neighbours.“ […] That’s when I learned to actually not be precious about little things you come up with or the songs you come up with.
Bryan Adams im Rockonteurs Podcast, 29. Mai 2022 (ab 14:28)
You know what? It could be better. And so – make it better!
Was ich daraus lerne: Sei nicht eingeschnappt, wenn dir jemand sagt, dass deine Idee nicht besonders gut ist. Nimm die Herausforderung an und mach es besser – und lass dir dabei helfen von Menschen, die nur dein Bestes im Sinn haben.
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