Meine Notizen
Lifestyle Business entstehen oft aus einem „something had to give„: Die berufliche Situation als Angestellter war nicht mehr tragbar. Something had to give. Ein Lifestyle Business war der gewählte Ausweg.
Orientierung an Konkurrenten und Vorbildern
- „I then looked at my competitors, and evaluated what I needed to do in order to stand out and attract more clients.“ (S. 10)
- Kann man so machen. Gleichzeitig sage ich: Orientiere dich nicht nur am Durchschnitt, sondern auch nach oben, also an besonders herausragenden Vorbildern, ev. auch aus ganz anderen Branchen und/oder Zusammenhängen.
Der Traum der schlaflosen Nächte jedes Lifestyle Entrepreneurs: „The thing I most loved doing was making me money.“ (S. 10)
- Und in der Tat ist das eine überaus attraktive Vision: Geld verdienen und sich nicht mehr anstrengen bei der Arbeit.
Side hustle
- „But it was also clear that I would need to continue working in other areas in order to sustain this type of lifestyle. I decided to continue building websites while building up other streams of income […].“
- Auch ein klassischer Weg zum Lifestyle Entrepreneur: Selbständigkeit und Anstellung verbinden, zumindest am Anfang.
Ältere Lifestyle Entrepreneure
- Lifestyle Entrepreneurship ist etwas, das „an increasing number of mid-lifers and those around retirement age are choosing.“ (S. 11)
- Bestätigt auch die Gründerstatistik der WKO. Die meisten Gründer*innen gründen im Altern zwischen 30 und 40 Jahren.
Das Ziel eines Lifestyle Entrepreneurs mit seinem Lifestyle Business: „bring an income and give him personal satisfaction.“ (S. 11)
„I wrote this book so that others can also become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur and, in fact, wish I had read this book four years ago, as it took me that long to muddle through the principles of what I was doing […].“ (S. 12)
Was ist ein Lifestyle Entrepreneur?
„[…] a way of living where you earn from the things you’re passionate about, where both work and free time are enjoyable. As an LE you direct your energies towards incorporating your individual skills, interests and passions into ways of working. The daily routine and structure within your life feeds back to you not just financially, but in terms of choosing how much free time you will take, being excited about having control over how much work you can get done, and finding ways of supporting yourself that are genuinely rewarding. As an LE you may well work as hard as, or harder than, in a 9 – 5 job […], but you do it on your terms. You do not sell your time to somebody else to decide how it must be used. You are in control […].“ (S. 13)
Seine These: Ein Lifestyle Entrepreneur ist nicht von einem income stream abhängig.
- „An integral part of what I define as being a Lifestyle Entrepreneur is creating multiple ways to earn an income […].“ (S. 13)
- „you are not relying on a single line of work“ (S. 14)
- „Sometimes, I may tear my hair juggling three or four different tasks, but I have learned to cope with that because it is my choice.“ (S. 15)
- „Multi-stream earning incorporates both passive and active income streams […].“ (S. 21)
Liquid modernity
- „The sociologist Zygmunt Bauman talked of liquid modernity to describe a situation where the expectation of security is an illusion […].“ (S. 16)
Viele werden Lifestyle Entrepreneure „because they feel trapped“: „I knew I felt trapped, but I had no idea what else I could do.“ (S. 19)
- Lifestyle Entrepreneurship „is about finding or creating work that enriches your life and even the lives of others around you.“ (S. 20)
Lifestyle Entrepreneurship ≠ Wohlfühlunternehmer, Spa-preneur
- „This is not for the fainthearted. I have often worked 70 – 80 hours a week and at weekends […]“ (S. 32)
Hone your skills!
- „[…] you should try to continually improve your skill set so you can provide more value to your customers. Someone who consistently improves his or her skills will inevitably be more attractive than someone who is offering less expertise for the same money.“ (S. 43)
- „However, you may have to look at your overall skills and then separate them as profitable or non-profitable if you want to make money.“ (S. 50)
Passive income
- „The word „passive“ is a bit of a misnomer because, as you can imagine, earning in the background with no effort is an attractive concept, which means there are lots of people doing the same and all of them are shouting for people’s attention. That actually means you need to continually work quite hard when earning passively with things like marketing […].“ (S. 53)
- Genau das trennt die Spreu vom Weizen: Ein „passives“ Produkt zu erstellen ist noch vergleichsweise leicht, aber wer macht dann noch echtes strategisches langfristiges kontinuierliches “aktives” Marketing dafür?
Lifestyle Entrepreneure sind oft nicht reich
- „Not all are making big money. Indeed in some cases there is very little money as they attempt to build, or because they choose to work on social enterprise projects where profits go back into the enterprise or are used for community good. Or perhaps they have chosen a lifestyle where living modestly is preferable to working too many hours.“ (S. 65f)
- „A great many people are happy to live on a modest income because it gives them the lifestyle they want […]. What I am seeing in the LE is a desire to organise a life that capitalises on their personal abilities and talents, rather than a one-size-fits-all-system. They want a way of earning and living that has the human touch. Something that is less focused on making a lot of money as the universal goal and more concerned with a well-balanced life within which work is a rewarding ingredient.“ (S. 153)
„It’s become so trendy to want to be an entrepreneur, but what people need to realize is that getting the skills marketable is a tough challenge.“ (S. 78)
Lifestyle Entrepreneure brauchen andere Lifestyle Entrepreneure
- „One of the toughest things LEs tend to say, if they are working solo, is that they feel isolated, out of touch with what the world around is talking about, and that all this affects confidence.“ (S. 107)
- „It’s nice to have people who are on their own journey around you.“ (S. 108)
Promotion = investment
- „You should think of self-promotion as an investment in your multi-stream business […] it doesn’t have to be yourtime — you can get other people to put together your marketing materials […].“ (S. 115)
- Promotion ist nicht nur Stückwerk und Einzelaktionen, sondern ein System — zu Ende gedacht! Das ist ein Investment.
- „Organising meetings and networking may feel a little uncomfortable in the beginning if you’re not used to it, but it’s very worthwhile.“ (S. 121)
„If something is too good to be true, it probably is.“ (S. 144)
Freiheit = Erfolg
- „Freedom. That’s the biggest thing. The ability to be the master of your own destiny and having that control over how much you earn because you’re in the driver’s seat.“ (S. 175)
- „I have a life I thoroughly enjoy and how many people on the work treadmill at my age can say that? […] Is that success? It is to me.“ (S. 176)
- „For us success is getting enough healthy income streams coming into the business that we’re free to focus on what we enjoy: making great beer.“ (S. 181)
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